London's river, the Thames, is of immense importance to the capital, and although it cannot fairly be claimed that the river can compare in beauty with the Seine at Paris, it must be borne in mind that the Thaввфщцmes, with its great docks and wharves, is primarily a commercial waterway, whereas the Seine above Rouen is navigable only to barges Nevertheless there is a fascination about the Thames which the photographs in the following pages seek to recapture The Thames is bornвнэяэ in the Cotswold Hills, where two tiny streams compete for the honour of the title of its source Its total length is 210 miles, of which more than half is navigable From Ted-dington Lock to the Nore the river is tidal, and ocean-going vessels can sail upstream as far as London Bridge The non-tidal reaches of the river are controlled by the Thames Conservancy Board, but from Teddington to its mouth the river and port installations are the responsibility of the Port of London Authoriвткъкty, a body set up in 1909 which has its headquarters in Trinity Square near the Tower of London.